Monday, February 7, 2011

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Land Social

is not a convenient way to spend a Saturday afternoon to get together to discuss, not the sit Ruby, but new ways of producing and consuming part to go "beyond the crisis." But we did it.
There were about fifty people to listen to Don Roberto Sardelli group not to be silent, Piobbico Francis, head of the national "social partners" of the PRC Communist and Vittorio Bardi, manager of prominent Fiom-CGIL. The task, however, was made more difficult with the help of the Municipality of Genzano, owner of the hall (Auditorium dell'Infiorata) in which the event was. Almost total absence of heating and dirt everywhere: this is the show that are found in front mates when Social Earth's officers of the City in the late morning on Saturday gave us the keys.
We rolled up our sleeves we cleaned up, but alas we have nothing to warm the room. To be sure, if that is indeed a demerit of the junta brilliantly (so to speak) led by Mayor Enzo Ercolani, highlights even more the courage of those who participated in the initiative.
Unfortunately, after a late night refreshment, the temperature had dropped so much that made it impossible to hold the show "Ace of Rubbish" Ulderico Fish. Of this we sincerely apologize to the citizens who remained until the end with the artist and we thank However for availability.
In any case, the debate was held and it was full of ideas and suggestions. And with it we also managed to set up a corner for the Buying Group and its products (vegetables, pasta, rice, honey, etc.). Very much appreciated by the participants.
First, there were interventions presentation of our companions Alessandro D'Angelillo and Giorgio Barbieri who spoke of the association in recent years and the project on dissemination of a critical culture of consumption that we are carrying out a few months in collaboration with the Province of Rome.
Then came the contributions of the keynote speakers: Don Pilcher, the protagonist in the '70s an extraordinary and successful struggle for the rights of slum dwellers Felice aqueduct in Rome, said the basic role of associations in the reconstruction of a political perspective that leads to a society and an economy based on human needs and not on the capital.
Piobbico Francis claimed the vital importance of the foregoing groups from across Italy to purchase popular Brigades of active solidarity: the first in the fight against high living costs, the second in the earthquake and staging of L'Aquila field "Giuseppe Di Vittorio" for migrant workers in Nardo in Puglia. "An experience who provided us with an antenna sensitive social, "said Piobbico. "We were realizing that something would happen in the Arab Maghreb already last summer, talking with these Tunisian workers who had been expelled from the big factories of the north and who came to fix a salary in the fields of Puglia. It was obvious that it was closing a safety valve for countries and for those regimes. "
Moreover, the experiences of GAP and BSA speak to us of the value of self conflict to strengthen solidarity and unity of the working classes. Factors which are particularly vulnerable young people as highlighted Ciapetti Giuliano, president of the Brigades of active solidarity.
unit on which to build a real alternative to the crisis, those who caused it (financiers and corporations) and that Marchionne wants to charge to workers. Vittorio
Bardi has also said the importance of a commitment to the Fiom not limited to demand higher wages, but also a new development model in line with environmental emergencies arising, for example, the last summit in Cancun. A commitment that the Fiom is deploying in areas traditionally not very interested in the environment such as steel.
valuable contribution, finally, came from Daniel Castro of the Coordination against the incinerator Albano who recalled how the great victory Tar was the result of a self-organized struggle of the peoples of the Castles. A nice Saturday
therefore a bit 'cold, but intense and full charge: someone not content to wait in line at the banquet of the Democratic Party to demand the resignation of Berlusconi. These resignations
we want to win the fight.


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