Monday, September 15, 2008

Minnetonka Mutant Boots

Philosophy Festival 2008 19/20/21 September

Fantasia On

venerable studio has
Mundus est fabula: reveries, lighting and lucid dreams
by Patricia and Matteo Serri Silingardi

Nell 'investigate the unusual election in which the artistic daydream about the "doze" and "mixing" between the demands of reality and unconscious drives, the concept of imagination, always understood in the sense of creation and wonder, pretense and artificiality (as what is done on purpose), it declined in the image of reverie, lighting and lucid dreaming. These three states, these modes in which the imagination is expressed as a suture between real and unreal without showing as a mere evasion disengaged is suspected as a possibility and in-depth analysis of consciousness and reality, as an opening to the creation of the universe. Against the rational logos, the concern of profit, the measure morale and immanent structure of things, Fantasia will cover the dualism in which they approached dream day / night vigil / lighting amazing. In it will be in the form of dark visions, promiscuous, "sleepy" and not addressed, not subjected to the superstructure logic, aesthetic and moral. The application will be fantastic, in these ways, anything but carefree connotations but essentially filled with every possible freedom analytical result in "the revelation synesthetic" as "sensory polyphony" "Investigation" and "meaning" where virtually all live together in harmony universal human senses to achieve the supreme knowledge. Hence the arguments that will form a "dream of an enchanted world reconstruction" as a condition for increased ecstatic sense of wonder and beauty of the seizure, erotic-veiled, magic-circumstantial universe.


paraître (reverie)
Vernissage Friday, September 19, 2008 19:00
A sedan Baroque ephemeral an apparatus for a parade, a huge mobile that means the seat anxiety and the suspension of travel and passage through other worlds, because untold compounds from the material of the dream and its empty remembrance day. The soft tones of spiritual reverie melt condense into a kind of empiricism will addict, all'oggettualità concrete and tangible. As usual in the work of Adriano Persians, the materials are significant and concept, a symbolic remnant of a mood close to concerns and for this reason, the decorations, drapes and scrolls that decorate the sedan (made entirely in blue cloth surgical) lend themselves to suggest a change of perception regarding the distressing condition of existential passage.
Before being created or found, the items offered by Adriano Persians have been dreamed of, not consciously designed, in meditation before the execution, but designed for the entire work of the unconscious dream. These are "dream-subject", condensing them into a job autoplastic and "alloplastic. These products then enter into a complex game of moves and substitutions (synecdoche, metonymy, metaphor) and will be invested with symbolic values \u200b\u200bbe identified according to the romantic idea of \u200b\u200bthe "irretrievable human concern." The object of art will then be a privileged signifier takes on a range of content unstable, unpredictable or ineffable, DIATRON entering a chain of signifiers (objective correlatives) open in both directions (past / future), and virtually endless. As the imaginary place of investment so it is associated with a quasi-divine role, role model of great officer. At the same time in a confined space that is the residual trace of the lost continent what is the fantasy dreams, lucid dream el'allucinazione it is responsible for the reverie. It agrees a new linguistic status of the object that will deepen the "psychology of wonder" manifested in its ability to fully symbolic, emblematic, evocative and, last but not least, in its actual eclipse funzionale.La reverie is the expression of material forgotten night in the clarity of the day ("The reverie as a state of mind that you leave memories and images for Bachelard is the situation where I forget its history contingent leaves err their spirit and thus enjoys a freedom similar to that of the dream (rêve), in relation to which the reverie, however, indicates a phenomenon of wakefulness and sleep. "Pref in G. Bachelard, The poetics of reverie, 1960)

fanzine + presentation of a band parade by Corrado Nuccini and Matteo Serri
Saturday, September 20, 2008 19:00

Lighting amazing: the natural foundations of the imagination (a tribute to Albert Hofmann)
Saturday, September 20 hours 22:00

"Zero point five milligrams of lysergic acid in solution, three drops, a sip. He sits and waits. The Sun enters the white room of his laboratory for Pharmacological Research, second floor of Sandoz, Basel. They are two of a special day, April 19, 1943: chemist Albert Hofmann, 37, five engaged in experiments on alkaloid content in ergot, has just swallowed the first dose of LSD of History. "

Beyond the many glories of the Revolution decadent Psico following the discovery of the new" Eleusinian Mysteries "by Albert Hofmann (thousands of artists, writers and musicians simultaneously have the same vision sublime), the interesting point is the admission of the existence of a different transcendental reality and fantasy that goes beyond the physical manifestations quotas. Mindful of Paradis artificiel Baudelaire, in contrast to the "veils of Maya" and "Plato's cave", the Swiss chemist has shown that certain psychoactive substances extracted from plants, under certain conditions, can result in visionary states in which the imagination proves to be the echo of a transcendental truth, primal and unknown. Because it is scientifically proven that the reality perceived by our eyes portrays a world with limited capacity of receptors and human senses (that is, the animals see and experience reality in a totally dissimilar, and so for example bees, equipped with antennas visual sensitive to wavelengths in the ultraviolet spectrum and ultrarosso, see colors invisible to us) here is that the resulting stereoscopic and floral fantastic compendium all''illuminazione lysergic received the revelation of a deeper and ineffable wonder, to "see for the first time" the colors, the depth and the secret soul of things in the universe. Finally, to further sweeten the cursed and pathological meanings of shamanic fantasy invented by Hofmann, suffice it to say that there is scientific evidence that LSD, unlike many drugs of the twenty-first century, does not produce dependence, does not destroy cells and has no medical contraindications . The only unknown is to overcome the shock of revelation "(" The lighting consists of a radical change of consciousness in which the outside world and the "investigator" itself undergoing a profound transformation that can fill in joy but also in awe. The boundaries between the outside world and the world seem completely suppressed. The feelings and fantasy are enormously intensified. Fantastic visions, inspiring at times from the most sublime bliss, sometimes of a terror among the deepest, are perceived as totally real. Often reappear consciousness vivid images of past experiences, sometimes belonging to early childhood. Lighting is leading the recruitment of a particular group of drugs that have been suggested various names, such as hallucinatory, fantastic, psychedelic, entheogen. For the most part is still in use the term psychedelic, which means expanding the soul. Basically, these substances are: LSD (an abbreviation of Lysergsäure - diäthylamid: lysergic acid diethylamide), psilocybin, Messalina, in order of their effectiveness. It is important and interesting to see how all these substances are related to drugs and sacred plants that have been used for millennia in religious and magical practices of healing in Mexico and in adjacent regions of Central America, where even today are used according to tradition. "A. Hofmann, LSD. My meetings with Huxley, Leary, Jünger, Vogt, 1980).

* The lucid dream: "Something Alice (Neco z Alenky)
(Switzerland, West Germany, Great Britain, 1987) Directed by Jan Svankmajer

Sunday, September 21 22:00

Synopsis: Alice is the housekeeper on the banks of a stream. It's sad, pulling pebbles in water. Browse the book of the ruler and take a slap on the hand. In her room Alice sees a stuffed bunny to life. Exit the room with him and finds himself in a field. The rabbit slips into a drawer of a table. Alice follows him. A tunnel and a lift. Alice, having fallen farther and farther behind the rabbit, tries to open a key with just a tiny tiny door. He discovered that if you drink the ink becomes small, if he eats a cookie and take back great. Puts crying and the room is flooded. The rabbit on a sailing boat. Alice eats sweets, becomes smaller, the door opens, all the water comes out and she and the rabbit are dragged away. They find themselves in a field. The rabbit the door to his house. Alice, the rabbit in the room, drinking ink, again becomes large and is barricaded in the house while the rabbit trying to re-enter with the help of other strange animal like a lizard that has a skull for head and chickens that seem to horses. The rabbit throwing rocks at Alice, the stones are transformed into sweet, Alice eats them, small returns, escapes, is taken from the animals, ends up in the pot, is dragged away and closed by the hens in a kind of laboratory where skeletons of animals are born from eggs, bread from sticking nails, the boxes of food out insects. Alice is the key to the room. He goes out, there is another room with holes in the floor where they exit long socks that seem to worms. Alice is extraordinary encounters: firs that become large and then small, a little house from which they are thrown dishes and pans, a fish and a frog in eighteenth century clothes. Alice finds a rabbit and receives an invitation from the Queen. Also meets the Mad Hatter who takes tea with the rabbit. Following the rabbit, comes from the Queen, who wants to prosecute. But Alice eats lots of sweets and wakes up in his room.

filmed entirely obsolete in an old bakery in Prague transformed into a creative studio, the notorious Victorian fairy tale is transposed here by following the appearance of the lucid dream, a dream in which you have the perception that you are dreaming, fantasizing. The metamorphosis, sounds real, the concepts of "condensation-displacement-replacement" that characterize the plot scrupulous allude to and recreate a hallucinatory sense of reality and subconscious remembering unforgettable feeling of childhood. Indebted to the Freudian studies, revealing the enormous potential of the unconscious is not bridled by reason, that seems to be a world unexplored, free and totally unpredictable, in which dreams and fantasy have a structure, a meaning, a purpose, a content manifesto of Mental latent, narrative condenses a great proposal for reconstruction of a reality that, although the array of dreams, concerns glossy hype of the vigil.
Jan Svankmajer is authoritative spokesman of the movement "poetic" surrealist Bohemian existence since 1934 and is still active nell'avvalorare a "poetry for the five senses," an art "light and jaunty, wonderful, joyous, and anti-heroic lovable "that transforms his life in an" eccentric carnival, Harlequin in feelings and images, drunken gang film, wonderful kaleidoscope. " A feature of Czech surrealism is in fact the constant wonder, the sense of wonder that accompanies every artistic production. Determinism is also crucial fantastic adherent to the practice of automatic writing that was of Breton and Soulpaut. In fact, as defined ("pure psychic automatism by which one proposes to express, both verbally and in writing, or by any other means, the real functioning of thought"), plans to use automatic writing for the poetic dream material of nocturnal dreams without changing anything, and even letting you in complete freedom and spontaneity, but merely to record clearly the flow almost like taking dictation. The sequences of images and words follow each other and merge, producing semantic short circuits, the effects of unintentional humor, novel analogies, outbursts of nonsense, versatile ambiguous and confusing. The fantasy dream will then be implemented in an "empiricist" as an axiom of a literature full of visual distortion or twisting of meaning, loss of proportionality that has finally revealed the superior reality of certain forms of association neglected before now ("A dream is a lucid dream in which the subject is aware of dreaming. When people come to realize that dream, their dream is generally not 'unreal' in every sense of the word. That is not vague, confused, ill-defined. Once the dream has reached the point in which the dreamer asks: "This experience belongs to the dream or real life?", the dream seems to be an accurate imitation of real life. "(C. Green, Lucid Dreams, 1971)

via Carteria 60, Modena
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