Monday, February 21, 2011

Pokemon May And Dawn Pregnant Game

At 70 km from our shores, IN THE NAME OF FREEDOM, THE STORY is emerging

to Rojo

The facts that are flashing in these hours before Libya and Egypt but also throughout the Arab world, have to do with the misery and starvation of entire populations under the slap of the tyrant in office, often more or less officially supported by the West "liberal and democratic."
one that blows from the south is, in fact, a breath of reality that is confronting Europe and our country facing the dramatic consequences of the global economic crisis as well, according to our local television, seems to exist. Yet Berlusconi
information which for decades has "stoned" thousands of viewers, but not pushing through spring in the work of exploitation. The sprightly President
taken by his personal affairs, his first and only concern from the drop-down field in '94, for now keeps a low profile on what happens in Libya: better see what happens to his old friend Gaddafi. Are still too many economic interests that bind the former colony Italy; important chapters such as oil, gas, the role of policeman that "Colonel" was taken against African migrants in search of a decent life. If everything were to go for the worst, if there will be elections in view of the Knight and his guard dog (the league) will still use the lever of fear of strangers, as if those who run away from hunger and war was a danger to the 'workers or the unemployed, as if in fact the real risks to workers as they did not run the Marchionne, the Berlusconi, Maroni and company singer. Del
the rest who still expresses support for these gentlemen probably not doing it for free, but the thing that matters most to us is only a part of Italian and Italian, somehow, coming out of torpor. A
torpor which instead wants to perpetuate on our territories. A need that is not even out of the world, the policy carried out in closed buildings, without transparency and without reference to the problems of the community is alive and well.
You can ask a simple question: When you arrive in mid-February, there is someone who understands what the future of our town? Where is the policy that addresses the real needs of families?
Outside the struggles of the palace, there is a need that is falling apart. Just stay on the road to notice how much things have changed for the worse.
By this we mean?
We just want to invite people to turn off the TV, to get off the streets and look at what state is your neighborhood, to address the health of the water that comes from the tap at home, wondering what about the collection or their children attend school.
And if your wallet weeps in solitude, do not worry, because if you are employed, unemployed, students or retirees are not sure just to have it empty. Yet we are many and the only reason we would be stronger if we take them aware if there were solidarity among us, the ability to organize here and now.
We also have a small, valuable local example. Every two weeks at Genzano, there is a ritual that is renewed: the Group is buying the popular Via Toscana. A place that welcomes, that does not create the war between the poor, as they would like the television system, rather it includes all those who believe in their dignity and their ability to build a better life.
As in Tunisia, as in Egypt, as in Libya ...


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